Circular For The Students
All students. If any student fails to keep the stipulated attendance, he will not be allowed to appear for examination.
Students must participate in all programmes like Excursion, Sports, Function and etc. They must attend school on holidays and Sunday if required.
Guardians are requested to check the school diary every day. They can correspond through it if necessary. >
Guardians are requested to write the reasons of their ward’s absence. Absence on medical ground must be informed through application along with medical certificate.
No students will be allowed to keep mobile phone with them during school hour.
Guardians must check their ward’s school bag before sending to school so that no unwanted item is brought to school. Guardians are requested not to send any packed food for tiffin because corporation does not allow to put huge garbage in the vat van. Inspite of request if any students bring packed food a fine of Rs.5/- (five) will be charged.
Identity card is compulsory for all students. Previous year’s identity card will not be valid for the current year.
All students must report to school at least 15 minutes before school time. Minimum 80% attendance is compulsory for charged.
Fees must be paid through bank within stipulated dates. Scrolling of receipt book will be done by the school office submitted by the students from class – III to XII before two days of their stipulated day of depositing their ward’s fees must be cleared on and before Summer vacation and Puja vacation.
Guardians / Students are requested to collect Money Receipt against any of payments from the office. Guardians are requested not to give money to their wards.<
Guardians are requested to keep watch on their ward’s uniform. Uniform must be cleaned and pressed properly, school shoes must be cleaned and polished regularly.
Students must comb and tie their hair properly. No girls will be allowed to wear golden ornaments, nail polish and any kinds of cosmetics.
Guardians will not be allowed to meet class teachers or any teachers without prior permission of the Secretary. Guardians are requested to meet the Secretary for any clarification.
A Request To Parents And Guardians
Parents and Guardians must keep in touch with the school diary. They must be present in Guardians meetings. No teachers and Teacher Co-ordinators will be available during school hours.
School Uniform
It is compulsory for children to come in neat and clean uniform. No ornaments should be worn.